Something new for me. Gonna try right now !
Being a Scrooge, for now, just got a 100 Silver welcome gift. But maybe later I'll try
Interesting, must try.
Gonna check this thing out...
i dont think i can gamble my silvers like that
i dont think i can gamble my silvers like that
I had the same feeling, rather earn it by play games
Just make me laugh to this...
looks better and feel well
Really? Is that fake because I don't know Dota2 to have app in "apple store" or in "google play" for mobiles. Can someone tell me, thanks.
I wish I knew anything about those team so i could make an informed bet
Yay gambling?
Im gonna try it too
Heh, Razer basically took all my suggestions into account, when they asked for user feedback on how would we like to earn it

Feeling proud

and GJ Razer
i dont think i can gamble my silvers like that
As the saying goes - "Hard earned
Silver shouldn't be gambled" :wink_:
Hello friends.
I am not using FanTeamGG.
But I think it's a good thing for gambling and Esports fans. ^ _ ^
is this something like mogul arena from some time back?
they might just as well start making silvers into crypto and let people start mining/staking/trading lol
they might just as well start making silvers into crypto and let people start mining/staking/trading lol
They've already done it (but in reverse - crypto->silvers) - it was called Razer Softminer, currently it's called Gamma.
Never tried any fantasy league type game but this seems interesting. Any new ways to earn Silver and engage the community is very welcome
This is very much interesting
lets guess and calculate
hum..i wont gamble myself but good luck to everyone!
No, thanks!
Time to lose some razer silver!