Squad Invites | Season 3 | Razer Insider
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Mine is https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/13/ec0c892854c7 ONLY IF YOU WILL DO 4 HOURS EVERDAY
https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/13/0f2d1df67f94 need 1 more member. make sure you will total to 8 hours by end of today else you will get kicked.
Hello, please join if you play 4 hours daily.

I'm looking for a squad who has all the hours, just link me

https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/13/0f2d1df67f94 kicked out those who didnt complete first day. we all do full 4 hours daily
Some members were less than 4 hours old, so I kicked them.

We are looking for additional members who meet 4h.

Only 4 hours a day . join now


Since it is the second day, only members who have completed 4 hours on the first day can participate.

Only 4 hours a day . join now

https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/13/05421f5a8453 Please, join if you play 4 hours daily.
https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/13/05421f5a8453 Please, join if you play 4 hours daily.
I'm looking for a squad who has all the hours, just link me
missing 1 more slot. we had 1 afk

join me


saw that you're alone, i just joined these guys

my link https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/13/afb897430816

another afk that didnt finish 4 hours on the first days kicked. anybody wanna join?
Some members were less than 4 hours old, so I kicked them.

We are looking for additional members who meet 4h.

Only 4 hours a day . join now

oh we also communicate on discord channel, will be invited privately once you join the squad

spot taken, thank you
join me

Join now

Looking for a full squad

One more spot open. Had to kick out a player that was afk. Join only if you plan to do 4 hrs/day!


Also join my discord if you want to: https://discord.gg/HS4Mk4T
oh we also communicate on discord channel, will be invited privately once you join the squad

I joined since all 3 members were AFK in my last squad. Still have 2 hours left to do, but will do them right away!
my link https://deals.razer.com/squad-rewards/invite/13/afb897430816

1 afk kicked, anybody want to join? still 5 hours+ left for the first days.
Hello guys, i have an opening on my squad, need a member with full hours up to date, willing to do the 4 daily hours right after reset time, and knowing that if you miss hours any day, your spt will be replaced, we are aiming for top 3 prizes, only apply if you agree please.


oh we also communicate on discord channel, will be invited privately once you join the squad
Hello guys, i have an opening on my squad, need a member with full hours up to date, willing to do the 4 daily hours right after reset time, and knowing that if you miss hours any day, your spt will be replaced, we are aiming for top 3 prizes, only apply if you agree please.

Join , only active players, 4/h perday

if not complete daily hour we will kick you out !

We target for 80 hours reward


Hi guys,


Join us, only active players, if not complete daily hour we will kick you out !

Discord: Red8aron#1362


if your in active you will get kicked
Samir love you
Anyone have squad I can join. I almost always play 4 hours a day 🙂