Basilisk V3 Not Working Entirely | Razer Insider
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2 days ago my Basilisk V3 was working fine, then the next day suddenly the left click, right click, and scroll-wheel have either not worked at all, or worked only under random circumstances.

I have done hours of troubleshooting. Updated firmware, reinstalled drivers, reinstalled Synapse, changed USB ports, cleaned the mouse itself, all these ‘fixes’ have failed to solve my issues.

This mouse was also purchased this year, I was really hoping it would have a longer lifespan when taken care of than this.

What else can I possibly do?

Yesterday and this morning my brand new Basilisk  acted like it’s not even plugged in. I tried every USB port with my old death adder and the new basilisk (wired). In every situation the Death Adder worked fine and the Basilisk wouldn’t work at all. 

About 20 minutes ago, both the Death Adder and the Basilisk were plugged in, and all the sudden the Basilisk starts working. It’s still working for now. But I’m not convinced the issue is fixed.
