Basilisk V3 Pro wont turn off? | Razer Insider
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I bought this mouse in September 2022, it has been mostly great - the only issue I can think of since purchase was it sometimes doesn’t like to charge on my wireless charging dock and gets stuck in a very annoying on/off loop while clicking.. but this is generally resolved with repositioning it.


However, a few months ago, maybe around June, the “Off” setting stopped, well, turning the mouse off.

That on/off clicky noise loop I mentioned before? It seems to get stuck doing that until the battery dies.


For now I’ve been just leaving it on the 2.4 setting and relying on the auto-sleep to keep the battery from draining (and stop the annoying flashing and clicking from happening), but it would really be quite nice if the Off setting would actually turn the mouse off, as when travelling with the mouse in my bag or whatever, obviously with the 2.4 setting it wakes itself up when moved, draining the battery on transit.


Another confusing issue that doesn’t bother me much but might as well mention while here, now and again the mouse will create a brand new Quickstart profile when connected to my laptop or pc, and like, yeah I don’t want that lol, I have my profile set-up. No idea while it is randomly making a new one for itself. Have not seen any pattern with this at all, it’s wild lol.

A-ha! I was under the impression the Synapse software was keeping the mouse firmware up to date automatically, since I had auto-updates enabled and it never once even hinted that my firmware might need a manual update, or that an update was even available.

So far updating the firmware seems to have allowed the off switch to actually work again, hooray! Also quite like how it does a very queer rainbow flash when the mouse powers on, cute!

Guess this case is closed, hopefully!

Update: Seems the mystery has not been solved. The battery appears to still be draining down to 0% when the mouse is turned Off and left on the shelf.

It no longer does the annoying constant click click click click as it turns on and off repeatedly, nor is it flashing any lights or seemingly doing anything. But I turned the switch to the Off position and put it away with AT LEAST 60% charge the other day, just now I grabbed it and flicked it on.. nothing. Plugged in via usb, synapse software reporting it at 0% battery.

So yeah, bamboozled still. Any thoughts?
