Blade Stealth late 2019 GTX edition - battery drain while plugged in | Razer Insider
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I have a Razer Blade Stealth late 2019 GTX edition (purchased at the end of February 2020). I've noticed that even while plugged into the 100w Razer power adapter that came with it, if the CPU and GPU are under high load (i.e. in pretty much any 3D game or anything else that uses the GPU), the battery actually starts draining. But as soon as it gets down to 95%, it starts charging up to 100% again, even though the load is still the same (and performance is unaffected). So it actually has enough power available to handle the load and charge the battery at the same time, but as soon as it reaches 100%, it starts discharging again. If there's only a smaller amount of load on the GPU (i.e. if I turn a game's graphics settings way down), it doesn't drain the battery.

When I first discovered this, I tried to see if I could find anything about the issue, and I found that the older Blade Stealth models also had a battery-drain-while-charging issue which was later fixed by a firmware update. So I just waited, as I thought the same would happen here, but there's been nothing. Is it really just mine that has this issue, or has anyone else found this too?

It's really putting me off doing any gaming at all now, as all I can think about is the wear it must be doing to the battery (as surely repeatedly charging it from 95% - 100%, over and over again, while the laptop is at its hottest temperature, is pretty much the worst possible thing you can do to a lithium-ion battery). So it just doesn't seem worth it... but on the other hand, being able to use it for gaming etc was the whole point of buying this laptop in the first place 😞