Bluetooth cannot discover any devices Razer blade 15'' 2018 advanced | Razer Insider
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Hey there.

Model (*Removed for security purpose)

I'm having an issue related to the Bluetooth drivers.

Ever since i reinstalled windows 10 (pro, 64bit), the Bluetooth does not discover any devices.

Yes it is activated

Yes I have simultaneously tried to discover the same devices with an other laptop and an other phone and have successfully done so. Only this laptop doesn't see them.

I have installed the driver off of the razer driver download page for my model of laptop.

I have tried to delete and reinstall them automatically as well. I have tried to update them (windows says they are up to date)

I would appreciate any help,

Thanks !
Hi @Foxthemagnificent! Thanks for posting your concern on our Support board. Have you tried reverting your laptop's operating system to its factory state? Should the issue persists, please send me a PM. Let's continue from there.