Bought Mouse Yesterday and I get Invalid Serial ID Number. | Razer Insider
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Bought Mouse Yesterday and I get Invalid Serial ID Number.

bought Razer Deathadder Elite Mouse, Trying to Register Warranty by inputing the Serial ID with Product Number and I get the following message back from the Site: "Item Serial Number Is Unknown."

I checked the Numbers over a hundred times to see if was a problem on my end and yet no success.
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3 Replies

Allow me to help you out. Can you send me the picture through PM of the serial number and product number found on the box? Make sure to include the link of this thread. I'll wait for you there.

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Did you find a solution to this? I have the same problem...

Can you send us a screenshot of the error that you are getting? Send me the serial number of your Razer device through PM. Make sure to include a link of this thread. I'll wait for you there.

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