So i'm having another problem with my laptop after 2-3 years. great.
I opened my laptop some time back to get out a swollen battery. 1-2 weeks ago my laptop started to make a aggresive buzzing/rattling sound. It seems to be on the right side of the laptop since the vibrations feel more intense there. It is something physical. When I tilt, lift or move my laptop I notice that the sound changes.
It seems to stop temprorarily after some movement. I remember walking to school with it, placing it flat and the sound stopped for a week or so.
Thing is that if i restart my laptop the sound will stop unless the laptop heats up or the fans seem to go quicker for a reason. Despite all of this, the laptop seems to be working functioning just fine. I did try to blow out all the dust of the fans but that doesn't seem to solve it. when the fans spin fast because of the comrpessed air there seem to be no sound. But that could be because the laptop is flipped at that point.
I plan to bring my laptop to a repair shop tomorrow. My warranty is over sadly. Hopefully anyone can help me diagnose the problem or come with a solution myself.