Can I convert my mouse's (Naga Trinity) input into a controller joystick in conjunction with my new analog keypad (Tartarus Pro)? | Razer Insider
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In case that title is confusing, let me explain the problem I have:  Several months ago, I had the idea that one could make a keyboard where the QWEASD keys have some sort of analog input, to allow those keys to create the same freedom of movement found in a controller’s joystick & triggers.

Later, I learned that Razer makes basically that exact concept turned up to 11000, with the Huntsman 2 keyboard.  That thing costs a bajillion dollars though, and 104 is more than 6, so I instead bought the similar Tartarus Pro with a modest 20 analog-buttons, which just arrived today.

So I opened up a random game on Steam to see if I could get my character to walk calmly, and move at angles other than multiples of 45°.  Turns out: She can! 🎉🤗🎊🎈  ...With a pretty annoying downside:  Whenever I move the mouse, or press any button that Synapse doesn’t have defined as a controller’s button, she immediately stops in her tracks, and only continues once all other inputs cease.

Hypothesis:  This happens because this game (and probably several other games) assume that the player is using either a simple controller, or a simple keyboard, and this cannot be remedied without mods that likely don’t exist.  Proposed solution:  I can trick it into thinking I am using a controller by converting my mouse’s movement into the inputs of the controller’s joystick, and maxing out the game’s sensitivity settings.  Problem:  I don’t know how to do that, and I couldn’t find anything like that in Synapse.  This is why I’m here.

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