Can't install any Razer kind of Software... | Razer Insider
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When I first encountered this problem I couldn’t fix the infinite loading on the Razer installer even after viewing lots of videos and threads.

Finally, randomly, after months I fixed the infinite loading screen just to encounter another problem… the failed installation or uninstallation of different Razer softwares.

I tried to solve this issue but just couldn’t figure out why it even come up.

After trying multiple methods I gave up and am now writing this post hoping to get listened and hopefully terminate this LONG troublesome journey finding the solution.

I’ll leave the exact message the Razer installer told me when I encountered this issue here, just in case anybody was wondering...

 "1706833518hOMCUO9RazerAppEngineSetup-v4.0.272.exe Installation Failed with error code: 101"

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