Can't Upload Videos or Photos on Razer Assist | Razer Insider
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Hi! I’m trying to use my warranty on my recently broken Viper Mini. Sensor keeps on jumping around whenever I use it normally.

Tried using Razer Assist but I can’t seem to upload the videos or photos it’s requesting. It keeps on saying “There was a problem with the request and the action could not be completed.” 

Any help would be helpful. Thanks.

I see, thank you for providing that additional information. That error message typically indicates that there may be an issue with the format or size of the files you are trying to upload. 

To troubleshoot this issue, I would suggest checking the file types and sizes of your media files. Razer Assist has a limit on the file size that can be uploaded, so make sure that your file is within the allowed size range.

Also, check if Razer Assist has any specific requirements for image or video uploads. They may have restrictions on certain file types or resolutions.

If these steps don't work, try clearing your browser cache and cookies, then attempting to upload your media files again. If you still continue to experience issues, reach out to Razer Assist customer support for further assistance.

I hope this helps!

As I was saying, to troubleshoot the issue, please try the following steps:

1. Check the file format of your videos or photos. Make sure they are in a supported format such as MP4, JPEG, PNG, etc.

2. Check the size of your files. There may be a limit to the maximum file size that can be uploaded. Try reducing the file size by compressing or resizing them.

3. Clear your browser's cache and cookies. Sometimes old data can cause issues with uploading files.

4. Try using a different browser or device to upload your files.

If none of these steps work, you may want to contact Razer Assist's customer support for further assistance.

It sounds frustrating that you're having trouble with your Viper Mini and the Razer Assist app. Since you're encountering difficulties uploading videos or photos through the app, have you tried reaching out to Razer's customer support directly? They might be able to provide alternative methods for submitting your warranty claim or troubleshooting the sensor issue. If you haven't already, gathering any relevant documentation, such as purchase receipts or warranty information, could also be helpful when contacting them.
