Cash for Razer Gold gift card? | Razer Insider
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Someone bought me a Razer Gold gift card for $30 but I am not a gamer. Is there any way for me to get that cash?

Nope. But you can buy some games through Razer Gold.

Thank you for your reply. However, that’s not really what I was looking for. There must be some way that I can recover that cash. Let’s try to be creative.

Thank you for your reply. However, that’s not really what I was looking for. There must be some way that I can recover that cash. Let’s try to be creative.

There’s no way to withdraw the money, you have to spend gold on things like games etc.

I see. That kind of puts me in a weird position. I don’t know anything about games etc. Is there a way I can sell the card?


Also, when I first got it and followed the link to get the card I was taken to a page that gave the the PIN, SERIAL#, and CARD#, along with Redemption Instructions and Terms and Coditions (I didn’t read the terms and conditions). However, on the side of that page was a pop-out that said “Save your card to: Google Wallet. I don’t know much about Google Wallet but I have an Apple Wallet and I think that mabe they are similar.


Google Wallet is not compatible with IOS devices so that might be a problem for me. Do you have any advice on where I might go from here?


Would you care to purchase a $30 razer gold balance?

I need my money back $400

What happen to your $400?

Who want to see the card still available I need it for my kid

