Chroma X Power Oddities | Razer Insider
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So I am on my second Chroma X and I had the same issue with both - I thought the first one was broken and returned it, but now the replacement is showing similar behaviour. When I turn it on it doesn't always turn on. I have to turn it on and off repeatedly or plug in a live power cable in while its on to turn it on. Has anyone seen this kind of issue before?

I changed cables, tried different power points, had a card in and out of it - happens fairly consistently (but not always).

Can I confirm that irrespective if it has a thunderbolt connection it should still turn on and the fan should spin at a minimum (assuming a card is installed too)?
That’s odd maybe you have other system with TB3 to test, probably host system environment issue, updating TB3 driver or firmware from manufacturer might be also worth a try. Is that amd and r nvidia gpu you’re using? Later Isn’t working with macOS assuming you’re using a Mac from your other post.
Hiya, thanks for the reply. Its an AMD 5600 XT. Do you mean update the firmware of the MacBook Pro (this is done automatically by Apple) or the firmware of the Chroma? Thought the chroma was basically a dumb box?

Can I be clear on what I should be seeing:

  • Plug in the Chroma and turn it on without a card or t3 connection - I expect to see no lights or other indication its on.

  • Plug in the Chroma and turn it on without a card but connected via TB3 - lights should go one, hub should work.

  • Plug in the Chroma and turn it on with a card but no TB3 - lights should go one, hub should work?

  • Plug in the Chroma and turn it on with a card and TB3 connected - lights should go one, all should work.