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Hello to whom it may concern: I would like to ask someone if they can answer my question or not?

I recently in the past few days bought 2 gold gift cards and when I tryed to redeem them it tells me they have already been redeemed , How do I go about getting in touch with someone on here to either get my back or replacement cards ? ive tryed everything I can find and to no avail . The hot line as they put it always gives the same message they are closed and to go to support to get answers you need . here on support all I read is all the problems people are having and no one taking care of thier customers. If you ask me so far All I see about this place it`s a rip off to the customer's never buying another gift čard.

Hi @Dwallensr,


Sorry to hear about the problem you’ve encountered. Razer has a dedicated team handling all Razer Gold/Silver concerns. Please submit a ticket here: If you already have a support ticket, please send it over through PM so I can coordinate with the Razer Gold Team for an update. Thank you!