Configuring Tartarus V2s thumbpad as a joystick in Win 10 | Razer Insider
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All I want to do is use my Tartarus V2s thumbpad as a Joystick in Far Cry 5. I configured the thumbpad as many ways as I can think of and nothing allows me to use the thumbpad just like my right joystick on the Logitech controller for / on PC. Is there something in Windows 10 that prohibits this from working? Do I configure it as a button controller i.e. turn left is button 3 and turn right is button 8, or do I set it up as -x +x or -y and +y. Does this need to be a digital controller in order to work? Or analog? I don't know this stuff.

Why is it assumed that we all know this stuff and further to the point none of it works the way I want any way. So here's what I want to do. I use the Tartarus V2 in my left hand and a Logitech Trackball mouse in my right hand. It's perfect for the couch. When I drive vehicles in Far Cry 5 I'd like to be able to steer left and right with the Tartarus. I simply cannot make this work. If someone could give me detailed instructions on how to set this up or explain why it wont work I'd be very grateful. You, know I've had this thing for two years now and tried to make this work and it's just frustrating.