Controlador Razer blackshark v2 X | Razer Insider
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Hola gente que tal, tengo unos auriculares razer blackshark v2 X y de un dia para el otro no me fncionaba el software de sonido 7.1, elimine el controlador para volver a instalarlo y desde ahi no pude descargarlo mas, intente descargarlo desde el software devuelta pero no me deja, simplemente me dice que ponga sonido envolvente 7.1 pero no lo tengo asi que no se que hacer porque ahora mis auriculares el microfono se escucha feo y el sonido un poco tambien
Translates as: Hello people, how are you, I have razer blackshark v2 X headphones and from one day to the next the 7.1 sound software did not work, I deleted the driver to reinstall it and from there I could not download it anymore, I tried to download it from the software returned but it won't let me, it just tells me to put 7.1 surround sound but I don't have it so I don't know what to do because now my headphones the microphone sounds ugly and the sound a bit too

Please send me screenshots of what's happening from your end. That way, I can better understand what you're experiencing. I'd appreciate it if you can send me the serial number of the headset as well. Let's go from there.

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