Deceptive site ahead when clicking on "What would you like to see next from Razer?" | Razer Insider
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Hi There

Was in the general discussion forum and I clicked on the Thred from the Chief himself called "What would you like to see next from Razer?" which is a sticky thread and Chrome gave me a Deceptive Site ahead warning. Screen shot and details below, just wanted to give the razer crew a heads up.

Deceptive site ahead

Attackers on may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers or credit cards)

Hi There

Was in the general discussion forum and I clicked on the Thred from the Chief himself called "What would you like to see next from Razer?" which is a sticky thread and Chrome gave me a Deceptive Site ahead warning. Screen shot and details below, just wanted to give the razer crew a heads up.

Deceptive site ahead

Attackers on may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers or credit cards)

Hi there! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This has been attended to. Locking the thread now.