Deeply Dissaponted with Razer | Razer Insider
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I purchased a Leviathan V2 Soundbar, which has worked great up until 16 months after purchase. exactly 16 months it no longer is detected by pc, can turn bar on and off it lights, can select mode to Bluetooth and it switches, but no Audio. Its plugged into a battery back up that functions properly, been tested by a licensed electrician. Also reporting logs from the UPS show no power surge at all this week. If I connect to soundbar with Bluetooth it red lights. For a 300 dollar sound bar I would have expected it to last not be a paper weight., have another competitors sound bar that's 5 years old cost 200 and it still works. Tried to submit something to support for help, but that was useless since their system says warranty is up. I have learned my lesson and will just take my money elsewhere for a for a better product and support. 

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