Disappointing support in India by Razer and Acro | Razer Insider
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My Viper Mini was giving me scroll wheel issues so I gave it for RMA to Acro Engineering as they handle Razer RMA is India. Now that I've sent the product, they're asking me to pay extra for RMA as Viper Mini is discontinued and they will provide a Viper 8KHz. Why am I being charged for RMA? All other brands do it for free even if the model is discontinued, not to mention in other countries viper mini RMA was done free of cost. What's worse is that I'll be paying for the RMA and won't get a warranty for it, so 1 whole year of my warranty is lapsed. If I knew that I would've to more than the full price of a Viper 8KHz (cost of Viper Mini + RMA charges + shipping costs for RMA), I would've just bought the Viper 8KHz in the first place, at least I would've gotten my 2yr warranty and wouldn't have to deal with this bad service. Not to mention it has been 40 days since I shipped my product for RMA, I even raised a ticket on Razer support but didn’t get any response even after asking for follow ups. This is really disappointing from Razer service.

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