Employer Will Reimburse Purchase, But An Invoice Is Needed | Razer Insider
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My employer and I are in the United States. My employer has offered to reimburse me for the purchase I made through Razer’s website. I received an email with the subject line “We're processing your order RZUSWPUbunch of numbers]”, and that email contained information about my order, but it didn’t contain enough information for my employer to be able to reimburse me. I am writing this to request an invoice that I can submit to my employer that details my purchase. Please help.

I saw other requests for invoices in the forums, and the responses are less-than-helpful for me: 

  • Hey there! I appreciate your interest in our products. Sorry for the oversight. Allow me to help. Please send your email address or case number via PM so I can check its updates. I'll wait for your follow-up.

Thank you very much for your support, whomever might be reading this. 

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