false positive? | Razer Insider
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Hello everyone i just had a quick question for y'all. i have never had a problem with razer or any of the software they provide but today my antivirus detected a possible trojan dropper in the razorcentral files. this keeps happening after removing it and restarting. the file keeps getting reinstalled on restart by windows installer. the file name of it is 162244258UJZL8SYNRazerChromaStudioSetup_v3.6.0615.052818.exe

it is a false positive?. anyone on here who can help me with it? or maybe someone who is having the same problem?
Update: i uninstalled the razer synapse and razer central software and the problem has been resolved and upon reinstalling razor synapse on my pc the message was back install never gets completed because my antivirus places the files in quarantine and it said that the reason of placing it in quarantine was because of TR/Dropper.gen
I get this too, it's from the auto updates.

What makes this even stranger is this specific exe and some of its installed components are unsigned, where as with previous versions they were signed by razer.

It could be why it might be flagged as potential malware.

Any idea from support why the exe is unsigned?

Just to update here, I submitted the installer to f-secure, and they confirmed it was a false-positive and said it should be automatically fixed now, so it should no longer get detected when installing if you use f-secure at least.
Hello, any updates from support? Would be reassuring to know why these updates went out unsigned.
