Flickering/Intermittent charging under load (2018 Blade 15" Advanced) | Razer Insider
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I'm hopeful someone has a fix or at least a path to me resolving this issue. The couple of posts I've seen relevant to this one don't seem to go anywhere beyond the initial support comment.

I have noticed while under full load (usually while gaming), the system power will switch back and forth from plugged in to the battery several times for maybe 20-30 seconds at a time.

So far I've tried:

  • Rebooting (no change)

  • Getting more airflow by propping up the rear of the system while gaming (no change)

  • Cleaning fans and heat sinks of any visible dust and obstructions (they were both largely clean, and the flickering back and forth continued after)

  • Running the system on battery power only to try playing while charging from a lower percentage (still flickering)

  • Removing the battery and running only on AC power (the system shuts off completely when under load and the flickering would have occurred)

  • Updating EC (no change)

  • Updating BIOS (BIOS updater says installation successful, but the BIOS still reads previous version)

The AC adapter doesn't appear to be losing power at any point. I've run it on a surge protector and direct from the wall, and while the housing does get a little warm while under load, it never gets overly hot, and the LED indicator doesn't flicker or show any sign of losing power.

My battery isn't swollen, and I'd say I had pretty mild use of the laptop as a whole up to this point. I only recently started gaming more heavily, which is why I've started noticing this trend. I'm beginning to worry this may be a motherboard issue, or some smaller surface mount chip I don't have the equipment or skill to replace.

Did you ever find a solution?

Any resolutions?

Any resolution to this? If I were to guess… probably not. I’m having the exact same issue… exact. It really sucks, laptop is basically a brick with this issue. 


This issue was happening before and after a battery replacement (I bought a non-OEM battery and installed myself). This did not resolve the issue.


I have a feeling its something to do with the GPU dying. 
