How long is it taking to get a response from customer support? | Razer Insider
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I submitted a ticket over a week ago and still haven't heard anything whatsoever from customer support or customer service.

They have a message saying it'll take over 72 hours, more like over 172 hours.

And I like how when my problem is that my phone is not working there is an option to call them.

It looks like people have been having issues with customer service/support for a long time when sifting through the forums.

I was just wondering how long other people are currently waiting?

Should I just give up on Razer entirely and switch to different brands for everything?
Razer products are cool but their customer support has always been iffy. Heck it's rare you'd even get a good answer on this forum most of the time. I'd say submit another ticket if you can and then you'll just have to get lucky they don't lose your ticket into the abyss once more.
Wait between messages is currently 23 days for me. Even then though, those messages are irrelevant and unhelpful copy / pastes.