How to contact Razer Support in EU??? | Razer Insider
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Recently, I have tried to order a new razer mouse... (the one from Cyberpunk) unfortunately even tough i gave all my details , the system indicates a problem with payment and asks me to contact customer support... Super! But the page does not work!! and any of the phone numbers given on the official Razer website does not work too 😕 What should I do to solve this issue when i live in EU?

Thx for all answers!
Hey Amawa01! I appreciate your interest in our products and service. Apologies for the inconvenience. Allow me to help. Do you have an existing case number? Please submit a case to our Support Team by clicking this link or send me a PM together with the following:


Shipping/Billing Address:

Email address:

Phone/Mobile number:

I'll be locking this thread now. I'll wait for your follow-up.