How to I make an official conplaint? | Razer Insider
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Useless company.


I brought a blade 14 direct from Razer just over a year ago. In the last 12 months I've had to RMA the laptops 3 times. 2 arrived broken and 1 the motherboard died.


My last replacement RMA was sent off the begining of Dec 23 and today, 11th Jan finally received my replacement and it turns out they sent the wrong spec unit. They've sent me a US machine with a US keyboard layout and a US plug. 


I'm in the UK and brought a UK model.


They tried to offer me a US one as that's all they had, which I refused as it was no good to me as I'm in the UK.


I was assured not to worry they would source a UK replacement for me.


Well, seems that was a load of crap, as they've sent me a US one anyway.


So now I have to send this back to them, for a 4th time! And wait another month (as it takes them around a month each time to process the replacement). 


And who knows what I'll get, a broken one, the wrong spec one, who knows at this point.  


The consumer rights act 2015 makes it an implied term of contract I have with Razer that goods be as described, for for purpose and satisfactory quality.


Well they've breached that 4 times now, so now I want my money back as is within my statutory rights.


I've had months of emails back and forth with them the past year, as you can imagine with 3 RMAs and then the latest replacement being the wrong spec.


I've tried multiple times to raise an official complaint and asked what the process is but those emails just seem to get ignored.


What is Razer's official complaints process? I believe my case warrants it

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