huntsman v2 analog & cyberpunk 2077 | Razer Insider
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i bought the razer huntsman v2 analog and tried it out with cyberpunk 2077.

mapping wasd to controller inputs works pretty nicely as long as im walking around on foot.

but when i enter a vehicle the W and S keys dont have any effect.

i can use the steering wheel with A and D but i cant accelerate.

any ideas whats going wrong here?
turns out vehicle acceleration is bound to IK_Pad_RightTrigger

is it possible to bind the W key to both "left joystick up" and "right trigger"?
i found a solution via inputUserMappings.xml

but mapping a key to multiple controller inputs would be nice.

wooting keyboards seem to be capable of doing that

[html] <mapping name="Acceleration_Axis" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true" >

<button id="IK_Pad_LeftAxisY" thresholdPress="0.2" thresholdRelease="0.5" />


<mapping name="Deceleration_Axis" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true" >

<button id="IK_Pad_LeftAxisY" thresholdPress="-0.2" thresholdRelease="-0.5" />
