I'm still getting the same email saying that someone's going to help me still problem hasn't been resolved | Razer Insider
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I stuck at the same emails with the same thing saying they're going to help me just give them be patient and give him some time it's been since June 13th 2024 that I have not received no PIN code all I get is the same emails the same thing that they're answering the questions saying that to send this and send that I don't know what else to do anymore I'm clueless about this all I need is a pin code to activate my card here is r240618-003211 case number they gave me and this other case numbers that they gave me to several other ones so I don't know how many more of the case numbers you guys are going to send me but I already got too many please razor gold card help me solve my problem stop telling me to go through here to this site and that site because I feel that this is the runaround and I don't have time to be running around on here anymore I'm on here every day submitting something making a claim because no one gets back to me with my answers all with the all they're doing is sending me the same thing that I already know and I already heard but still no PIN code again please help me

I also have the same issue all they do is push me here and there do this and that at the end didn't solve the issue or issue a new code , I don't even know if it's real anymore 
