ideaideia | Razer Insider


Hello, good afternoon Razer, my name is Wenderson I know that rezer likes technology I have an idea for a technological project called translator glasses With translator glasses you can read books from other countries, read menus from another continent, read translations of names of foods in supermarket, know where you are, watch legendary movies in another language, you can choose the language of the country you want to translate to your native language It could work via bluetooth with the cell phone's wi-fi because it would be a new revolution I had this idea thinking that many people had difficulty learning other languages, and they had difficulty when they went to buy something without understanding what was written. , it can be something useful Even for gamers who play in another language streamers And I would like to talk to Razer if you are interested in me if you want to buy the idea I am available 1. Or you negotiate with me and buy the idea 2 . Or Razer sells my idea and gives me 50% of the profit, your company has contacts even outside the country, it should be easier

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