Kitsune order stuck in customs for 6 days | Razer Insider
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Hello is there any reason as to way many of our Razer Kitsune orders have been stuck at customs for a whole week now? A lot of us has paid for expedited shipping... I would just like a reason as to why thousands of dollars worth of product is stuck in Memphis. Before anybody tries to nerd me and say “this is a normal process that will happen 🤓” I don’t give a rat’s ass! I have ordered internationally countless of times. Who messed up? 

The good old Memphis black hole where mine sits as well. Fish and Wildlife are probably holding it under suspicion the buttons are made from Catfish parts

The good old Memphis black hole where mine sits as well. Fish and Wildlife are probably holding it under suspicion the buttons are made from Catfish parts

at this point i believe Razer is at fault due to complacency. It’s not hard to give proper documentation for customs 
