Kiyo Pro video only works in 480p | Razer Insider
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So i bought the kiyo pro a few days ago and i have been having this problem since i plugged in it and downloaded the driver's and everything. when i try to use it in discord, OBS even just the pc camera it has a horrible lag and takes around 5 seconds to move to another frame, sometimes longer, the ONLY way i can get the video feed to be smooth and clear is if i keep the resolution at 480p 30fps, anything else and it messes up. i did find that if i turn down the brightness to 0, saturation to 0 and basically make it super dark, it can work on 1080p 60fps but you can't see me 2 feet from the camera, had anyone else experienced this? is my camera defective? could my pc not be able to keep up with the camera? i am open to any and all options here

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