Kraken Kitty | Razer Insider
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I love my headphones and I use them every day for many hours throughout the day.

I also love side tone and I've found that phone calls / discord are nice when I can hear the tone of my voice.

However, sidetone is Windows specific. I can't enable it on Linux or Android.

Please consider a switch feature for "Always On Sidetone" in synapse. I can hear Sidetone enable the moment I boot windows. I imagine that the dependency on the OS is not relevant since there is no audio latency (seems like a software enabled hardware switch). A software update to the headphones could possibly allow a switching mechanism for synapse software not just for on/off - but a future feature for "always on sidetone" - which could be disabled by default - and I'm willing to bet having this feature would boost sales.

There are so many reasons to have "always on sidetone" and plugging in my headphones to windows and synapse software to enable or disable the feature is not really that much of an inconvenience. NOT having sidetone be portable (usable to other OSes) is inconvenient and unfortunate. Sidetone is a cool feature that's being limited by operating system, and it seems like a missed opportunity.

Please consider and "always on sidetone" button in synapse.

Thank you.