Kraken Kitty BT headphones - 1 ear constantly on | Razer Insider
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Just opened my Kraken Kitty BT headphones, charged them and the right side of them always glows blue - even when they are off. Did a firmwear update and still no change. Reconnecting them to the charger doesn't work. The left side seems to have no issues - Turns on and off accordingly and changes colours as well.

Any help is appreciated!
From what I know, when the blue indicator lights up. That means that the headset is paired on to something. Have you tried turning off the Bluetooth connection of the device connected to the headset to check if the issue persists? For now, PM me the serial number of your device along with a copy of its proof of purchase. I can use those to check for other possible ways to sort this out and verify its warranty status.

*Thread locked to curb the conversation to PMs.