Leviathan V2 Pro - Subwoofer issues (Brand new). Win11 | Razer Insider
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Hello. I just got this soundbar and i've noticed that while soundbar itself is extremly pleasing, the suwoofer behaves erratic (?) when there shouldnt be any action for it at all. It does these little bumps or screeches that i can't properly name. It sounds almost like playing with the cable on old devices (when it would distort whole sound). It's most definately not the sound it produces when i listen to music or when i check these "bass test" on YT.

This is mostly noticeable if i listen to any kind of podcast or stream. Whenever person speaking does the "p" or "b" sound (they have popfilters and it was not the case for my old setup on the same videos) or touches the mic arm. Or even with games with calmer ambiance music (f.e Monster hunter: World where Seliana ambiance suddenly got a bunch of *bumps* from subwoofer every 5 sec). Themes with main instrumentslike flute or piano, the subwoofer behaves like a child, stomping its feets in impatiance.

I've tried to lower subwoofer level down to 1 and turning down ALL equalizer settings to minimum, but the issue is still the same, just volume changes slightly. I dont see any proper settings in windows sound menu for this soundbar either (no sound correction or enhancement or anything, BUT i might be looking wrong. I recall setting up old speakers and i had to go through a lot to find some settings). As a side note: i got this as upgrade to my over 15y.o Legitech X-530 and soundbar sound quality is extremly pleasing, but these subwoofer bumps just kill all of my satisfaction as i cant even listen to YT without noticing is every 2-3 seconds.

Some more examples from when it was extremly noticeable (i was only testing for half a day through various situations):

Valheim: Any time i place or destroy the subwoofer rumbles. (this might be intentional here? but it was not present on my previous subwoofer)

Bluestack android emulator: Most games, any click through the menu just produces this *bump* from soundbar. Is it trying to recreate phone vibration or smg?

Solo leveling anime ep6. Every time director or MC speaks, the subwoofer rumbles. It's not making thier voice deeper, if anything it's delayed aprox half a second and sounds like subwoofer was trying to replicate actual voice. Linus YT channel: Whenever there is a moment of silence, subwoofer does random low sounds. The soundbar is perfectly quiet. More precisely here f.e https://youtu.be/tDNShkud4HE?t=344 i can hear subwoofer rumbling when he moves his hands, but doesn’t speak. The sound is distorted and sounds like old audio when you plug them in live. bzzt bzzt bzzzzzzzt (yeah i know, amazing recreation)

I can double on this.
Same issues here - quite new product, had this issue since day 1.

Subwoofer is incredibly rotten low quality at low volume.
Constant bzz bzzzz bzzzz , rumbiling when the volume is low.

No matter how much you lower the bass levels, this will not solve.
It’s just a junk product, which I still regret purchasing 😞 Overpriced for cheap components.
