Lost shipment - No one to contact? | Razer Insider
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Sooooo...(Yes, I read the rules and a few of the sticky's. Don't get mad at me for having too much info or being frustrated this has been going on for over a month now with 0 customer service)

placed my order (don't know if I should provide the order # here? If so, let me know) on February 25th while also paying the "10$ expedited shipping fee". What even is that? There are no details as to what "expedited shipping" even means, but my assumption would be NOT FEDEX SMARTPOST!

So half my order shipped from China to the Virgin Islands - weird I wouldn't be notified of that before placing the order.....but that's not even the issue. That part showed up in less than a week! Awesome! Way better than I expected......but....

The other half shipped from California to Virgin Islands - again, would have been nice to know the shipment was getting split before placing the order....but ok. Oh wait, Fedex SmartPost?!?!?

You mean where they transfer it at some point to USPS and can take up to 1 month as stated on Fedex's website? It literally states that this is for not time sensitive shipments on the Fedex site! .....hmmm doesn't seem expedited to me?

I open a case with live chat a week or so later and after they were arguing that it was Fedex fault - ummmmm no, you guys screwed up and shipped it the literal slowest option available. After that I agreed to a 15% refund of my order + the shipping charges (have the chat logs for proof). I have not received any refund or follow up and that was weeks ago. When i try to follow up, WELL I CANT.

The website lists "phone" as a support option - there is no phone number and live chat told me the call centers were shut down in Malaysia towards the start of Covid - ok, then update you website to reflect that?!?! easy enough, but still not done over a year later.

The website lists "live chat" as an option - for me, as of Friday 3/18/22 The live chat no longer works and just keeps refreshing the same page - I have tried on my phone, laptop, work desktop. Its broken.

The website lists "email" as an option - you send an email and wait up to 72 hours for a response that is just some copy/paste bs that is not relevant to the issue.

I found a phone number for the store in San Francisco - we can't help. We are retail and can't do anything about online orders - you should send an email?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

How can your store not look up an order # and provide customer service?

So the next options are this forum or reddit forums? How is the best option of customer service a forumn? What is happening to this company? I am honestly embarrassed that I considered my self a fan boy and recommended Razer to so many. That is done, even if you make a nice product, it doesn't do any good without support.

Speed up to today - I contact Fedex and they tell me that they now consider this a lost package and I need to contact the shipper to have them file a lost package claim and get a new shipment sent out. San Francisco tells me to send an email - I did, and as stated earlier - waiting up to 72 hours for a non answer is getting old.


Thank you,

Sooooo...(Yes, I read the rules and a few of the sticky's. Don't get mad at me for having too much info or being frustrated this has been going on for over a month now with 0 customer service)

placed my order (don't know if I should provide the order # here? If so, let me know) on February 25th while also paying the "10$ expedited shipping fee". What even is that? There are no details as to what "expedited shipping" even means, but my assumption would be NOT FEDEX SMARTPOST!

So half my order shipped from China to the Virgin Islands - weird I wouldn't be notified of that before placing the order.....but that's not even the issue. That part showed up in less than a week! Awesome! Way better than I expected......but....

The other half shipped from California to Virgin Islands - again, would have been nice to know the shipment was getting split before placing the order....but ok. Oh wait, Fedex SmartPost?!?!?

You mean where they transfer it at some point to USPS and can take up to 1 month as stated on Fedex's website? It literally states that this is for not time sensitive shipments on the Fedex site! .....hmmm doesn't seem expedited to me?

I open a case with live chat a week or so later and after they were arguing that it was Fedex fault - ummmmm no, you guys screwed up and shipped it the literal slowest option available. After that I agreed to a 15% refund of my order + the shipping charges (have the chat logs for proof). I have not received any refund or follow up and that was weeks ago. When i try to follow up, WELL I CANT.

The website lists "phone" as a support option - there is no phone number and live chat told me the call centers were shut down in Malaysia towards the start of Covid - ok, then update you website to reflect that?!?! easy enough, but still not done over a year later.

The website lists "live chat" as an option - for me, as of Friday 3/18/22 The live chat no longer works and just keeps refreshing the same page - I have tried on my phone, laptop, work desktop. Its broken.

The website lists "email" as an option - you send an email and wait up to 72 hours for a response that is just some copy/paste bs that is not relevant to the issue.

I found a phone number for the store in San Francisco - we can't help. We are retail and can't do anything about online orders - you should send an email?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

How can your store not look up an order # and provide customer service?

So the next options are this forum or reddit forums? How is the best option of customer service a forumn? What is happening to this company? I am honestly embarrassed that I considered my self a fan boy and recommended Razer to so many. That is done, even if you make a nice product, it doesn't do any good without support.

Speed up to today - I contact Fedex and they tell me that they now consider this a lost package and I need to contact the shipper to have them file a lost package claim and get a new shipment sent out. San Francisco tells me to send an email - I did, and as stated earlier - waiting up to 72 hours for a non answer is getting old.


Thank you,


It is sad to hear about what happened to the newly bought device which is now considered a lost package. Have you replied to the most recent email thread from the Support Team? Allow me to communicate with them by sending me your case number so I can review your contact history.