My computer classifies Razer Ripsaw as a webcam | Razer Insider
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My computer classifies Razer Ripsaw as a webcam

  • 2 June 2019
  • 1 reply

Hello everyone,

After extensively searching the inter-webs, I cannot find anyone who has the same problem as me with the Razer Ripsaw. When I try to capture my Nintendo switch in OBS with it can ONLY use it if I don't touch the settings at all. The moment I try to change anything the screen goes black and wont let me record until i restart my computer. When i go into OBS and try to configure the video settings then I get this screen attached to this post. For some reason, my computer keeps trying to tell me my Razer Ripsaw is a webcam and I have no idea why. I also uploaded 2 more screenshots of various places my computer lets me know that its being called a webcam. Is there any advice on what I could do? Computer is fully updated, Razer Ripsaw is fully updated. Any help is greatly appreciated and thank you!
Mind describing how each of them is wired to each other?