My Deathadder Essential mouse suddenly drags towards top left corner | Razer Insider
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My mouse was working fine until today. I started my laptop with the mouse plugged in and suddenly the cursor goes straight to the top left and I can´t move it anywhere. The buttons are working, but I can´t move it.

Also, the trackpad is working and I also tried to plug the mouse to all my laptop USB doors. 

Already did what is in here, but nothing seems to work. The only thing that I wasn’t able to do was the calibration through Razer Synpase 2.0.

Did somebody had the same problem and found another solution? Or is it any technitian who can help me? 

Thank you!

Same thing happened to my Deathhadder essential the cursor keeps drafting to top left for some reason and won't respond . Maybe a defective product . Some people also encountered it on their deathader V2 also . Seems like this is only the problem with Deathadder models for some reason .

I’m having the same problem. I tried all the recommended steps but still not working. Did anyone fix this problem?

I'm experiencing the same issue with my deathadder essential. The difference is probably you were using your prior to that but mine was waiting for 3 years in the box. And the first time I unpacked it the all worked well. For 5 min at most. Then Y axis got inverted for no reason, then in some minutes coursor started random rapid movement. At last it ended up just dragging to top left corner and stuck there. 

The tracking issues article did not help, mouse does the same stuff with driver from Synapse and with win10 generic driver. It's totally clean and just new.

The response there suggest PMing @Razer.Zionzedd but it's not clear if anyone else with the same issues should PM them too. If so, it should be clearly stated somewhere I guess. 
