Não recebi o email com o codigo de resgate dos meus RP | Razer Insider
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Então, fiz a compra de Riot Points, na Razer com a forma de pagamento pelo Deposito Express só que já se passaram do prazo que tinha escrito na confirmação de pagamento. Entrei em Contato com a Latam Gateway responsável por receber o pagamento e eles informaram que o pagamento já foi confirmado e liberado. Mas não recebi o email da Razer com o codigo de resgate para eu pegar meus RP no League Of Legends.
Translated as: So, I made the purchase of Riot Points, at Razer with the form of payment by Deposito Express only that they have already passed the deadline that had written in the payment confirmation. I contacted Latam Gateway responsible for receiving payment and they informed that the payment has already been confirmed and released. But I didn't get razer's email with the ransom code so I could get my PR in League Of Legends.

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