Nari Mic Not Working | Razer Insider
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If I go to Sound Control Panel -> (right click) headset microphone -> properties -> Listen tab -> (turn on) Listen to This Device. I can hear myself just fine. So that tells me it's not a hardware issue.

I've tried the mic with three programs so far.

Discord - User Settings -> Voice & Video: The device shows up in the drop down menu. I can get sound through the headphones but the mic doesn't want to work at all.

TeamSpeak - Tools -> Options -> Capture: When I click on begin test I get "Error, could not open capture device"

Steam Voice Chat - Mic icon has a red line. Voice setting is the same issue as with Discord.

Now something that has caught my attention was when I went into Device Manager and bring up the controller information, under events I get "Device USB\\VID_1532&PID_051C&MI_00\\6&284b54f2&0&0000 requires further installation." Except that the device is installed through Synapse and according to Synapse, the device is installed.

There has been only two things that has happened between now and the last time it worked.

Windows has been getting regular updates

Synapse has been getting regular updates

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Nvm, I found the issue and fixed it. The issue was my Microphone Privacy Settings. Just needed to allow the program to be able to use my mic.