Need help to chose which Razer to buy | Razer Insider
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Hi everybody,

My question will maybe sound a bit silly for some of you, because it is a very basic question requiring basic knowledge - but that I don't have.

I want to buy a Razer blade 15 laptop base model, but I am lost in all the different models that exist. I have a small budget so i would go for the lowest price, but I see that there are some reductions and in the end I really don't know what to take. I could go up to 2000 euros but I would really prefer to stick below that.

So, what do I plan to do with this computer? Actually not gaming, but making music with some softwares like Ableton, programming some audiovisual installations on Max/MSP, edit videos with Adobe Premiere, work with some 3D files coming from Blender, and use Unreal Engine to create kind of artistic games linking sound, music, images, and MIDI controllers. So I need a really powerful computer that can run all that, but I won't specifically be gaming.

My focus is not on the visuals, but on the sound. So the graphic card has to be good, of course, to work on the videos, but not like reaaaaaallllyyyyy reeeeaaaalllyyyy good. I will use external speakers so internal speaker are not that important.

Knowing all that, could you maybe guide me into the right computer and especially explaining me the differences in the characteristics? The only characteristic I quite understand is the processor, but even that I just know that the last generation is the best, but without knowing all the different possibilities. And I also know that I need a minimum 512 SSD, 1 To would be the best. Screen size does not really matter either, 13 or 15 is good.

I am really sorry if that question is not relevant for this forum here.

Many thanks in advance for your help!

All the best