Nvidia GPU not using, Blade 15 (2021) | Razer Insider
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Hi! A couple of days ago (might be 10/22), my computor went through an update. But after that, the computer doesn’t seem to use Nvidia GPU as a display method, but only use the Intel one. The Nvidia control panel won’t open, and I tried restart, reinstal, updating BIOS. It still won’t use it. 

I went to a computer repair shop, the owner did some inspection and tried tricks. and once I told him the control panel won’t open, he said it might definitly be a hardware issue. But I don’t get it! It just sat there once night in sleep mode, how can the hardware suddenly broke? 

Can somebody help me? Thanks!!

Hello caoliang2003,

Let me assist you with your concern. Please PM me your laptop serial number and fill in the following information below so I can initiate a ticket on your behalf and escalate your issue for further investigation and resolution. Please note that if the laptop is found to be defective and needs to be shipped for repair, a fee may be charged for the request. You can also visit Razer's warranty policy for reference. All the best!

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