Plastic thermal pads on mother board. Is this Normal? and other problem | Razer Insider
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Hi everyone, I have already posted on the Razer Reddit for Support but no one has been able to help me.

Ive just found a kind of plastic that looks like a thermal pad on the motherboard up to the GPU and CPU, is this normal? if so what is it for?

Another thing Ive noticed is that after a gaming session and laptop about 80 - 90 degrees celsius, looks like the area on the keyboard where the plastic is located is a bit swollen and some keys are hard to tap it.

Can anyone please tell me if the issues can be about this plastic?

I am actually worried that these high temp could be because this thermal pad was located in a wrong way, or are the temperatures normal?


And another problem that I have noticed is that when the fans are kicking in the sound is not really annoying at all, however with that there is always a kind of high pitched sound that is really annoying, it can be coil whine?

It may be due to the plastic? or due to some lack of thermal pads in the fans?

I love the laptop but this sound would make me get rid of it :(


PS: i am not able to post pictures here, you can find it on this post

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