Problem with Seiren Elite and Kraken Tournament headset | Razer Insider

Problem with Seiren Elite and Kraken Tournament headset

  • 24 January 2020
  • 3 replies

Hi everyone
I have problem to connect my Seiren Elite.

I use so far the Kraken Tournament headset and I want to switch the mic with the Seire Elite that I just bought. I connect the mic to pc, but I cannot find it from Synapse app.
I also bought the Kiyo camera. I had problems with the cam too but I solve them by switching the usb port, finally found one that work with the camera. I try the same with the mic, and try the same usb port with the camera, but again nothing happened.
I have windows 10 and I can find the mic on the control panel, I also see that works when I tap it but I cant hear it.

What can I do?

(sorry for the bad quality of photos, I was really on hurry)

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3 Replies

Userlevel 6
Thanks for the update. Let me know if you need more help.
it works!

Thank you, I thought I will select the mic from the synapse program.
Now its ok!

thank you!
Userlevel 6
Hi there! This is normal behavior for the Seiren Elite. You can switch the recording device to the Seiren Elite through the recording/broadcasting software that you use or you can also set it as the default recording device in your Sound settings. Let me know if you have any questions.