Problem with Tartarus pro profiles with recent synapse 3 app update | Razer Insider
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My profiles are still working on my tatarus pro but the app shows default setting and i can’t do modification to my profiles anymore because the app is bugged. Image below shows when i press the first button (01)  it  correctly typing “o”  corresponding to the setup i made but the app show default (“1”) and there no possibility to make any changes to the profiles anymore. Plz help i have dozen of profiles i had to remake when you updated from synapse 2 to synapse 3 (oddly no compatibility), and i’m beginning to be seriously annoyed with all the other trouble i have with your app (like “azerty” not supported anymore by synapse 3, pain in the ass to do new setups now...). It happens since the update with the new activation setup thing. Thx by advance for your quick solution.


I’m having exactly the same issue. I can no longer apply any custom configurations to my Tartarus Pro. It keeps asking me if I want to save a setting, but then doesn’t apply it. I always use a different layout for FPS games, so this bug has effectively crippled my Tartarus.


I have a Blackwidow Chroma, Basalisk V3, Gloiath Extended Chroma and the Tartarus Pro, which were all working together up until the latest update.


I have repaired my installation (through modify in apps) just in case, but still have the issue.

I am having exactly the same issue.  It updated tonight on its own and my profiles are not saving, show as default, and half-work.  

I completely deleted all drivers with their device cleanup tool, uninstalled synapse, reinstalled, ran as admin, all the step recommended online.. nothing has fixed this. 

Razer… please fix asap… can’t work or game without functional peripherals….

Edit: here is a reddit thread with more people reporting the same issue since update:

Same issue as above.  All profiles have be changed to default.

Synapse won’t allow any changes and will not load my profile backup.

The issues was happening BEFORE I loaded today’s update.  Unless there was a stealth update.  I was hoping the update would solve the problem.  Alas.

Same problem here, even my saved profiles are not possible anymore, months of work to program my apps and games gone.

Hi. Same here and for other forums, it seems this has happened to almost all users. On my side, I use the tartarus for my work, and this is affecting my business.

Razer… I wont trust you anymore in my life.

My advise to all of you: stop trying to solve by yourself. For sure they are working on solving this mess, but if you change or modify anything in the meantime, maybe it wont syncronize when it is fixed

Goodbye Razer, this is not the first time this happens. Incredible!!!

Hi. Same here and for other forums, it seems this has happened to almost all users. On my side, I use the tartarus for my work, and this is affecting my business.

Razer… I wont trust you anymore in my life.

My advise to all of you: stop trying to solve by yourself. For sure they are working on solving this mess, but if you change or modify anything in the meantime, maybe it wont syncronize when it is fixed

Goodbye Razer, this is not the first time this happens. Incredible!!!

I keep falling into the trap. I loved the concept of the Tartarus Pro as an analogue controller. There’s really not much choice for such things out there. But I am so incredibly frustrated of the dirty drivers, poor development and poor manufacturing quality of Razer devices over the last 5+ years… I decided to just buy the Tartarus Pro to replace my Tartarus V2, which I had to buy to replace my Orbweaver Chroma (due to lacking support from Razer). It worked for a couple of weeks and now we get this... I’m so tired of it.

But I also see the irony. Shame on me.

I’m having the same exact issue as everyone else.

I’ve tried to do a clean reinstall of synapse, I’ve tried to use the repair tool, I’ve even tried to restore my entire CPU to roll everything back but that didn’t work either.

You can’t modify any existing profiles AND you can NOT create new profiles because when you do, its the same problem. Key binds are defaulted and cannot be changed. Essentially making the Tartarus into a paperweight.

The Tartarus Pro is currently completely unusable with no work around. As you can see when I mouse over key binds, I get blank grey boxes and my Key map is always empty for every profile. If I try to create a new profile I get the same problem. All other razer devices work perfectly fine its just the Tartarus.

Razer please help!


I have the same issue as first writer. Change to my laptop which had the old version and stopped autoupdate Immediately!!! There must be a way to go back to the older version??? OR at least copy the one from my laptop??? I was glad I made a backup of all macro’s and profiles. But please make us go back to previous version for the time being and don’t let us hanging until end september. 

I am beginning to believe they changed something in their cloud to accommodate the new update.  That would explain why I was having trouble BEFORE I did the update.

That might make this harder to resolve.  They can’t just rollback a cloud update if only a few ppl are having trouble.

I did send in a ticket last night. We’ll see what they say.


Just received an update of synapse. It fixes this issue (at least for me)


Yes, the new update resolved my problems!

Cannot change the little round key, i want to use it as hyperkey, also cant change the thumb key.

Looks like the latest patch just fixed it, thank goodness. Go to synapse and click check for updates. 👍🏻

No still problem, all my previous profiles where i put the little round key as hyperlink is fixed as enter and can not be changed, also the thumb key is also fixed.

I re-assigned my macros to the thumb keys and they show as saved, but still are operating like default keybind of left, down, etc.  

down for 4 days so far.  

Hello, first time using one of these threads, but I am also having this issue.  I can use my current profiles but if i go to alter them it will only allow me to alter one key and then when I try to alter another it will just have a “ghost image” of the first key I altered and will not allow me to do more.  It has been like this since at least the last patch and is really a huge issue since I use the tartarus more than I use the actual keyboard.  Has anyone found a fix for this yet?  Willing to try just about anything at this point because I’ve exhausted the few ideas I could come up with to remedy the situation.


Strange that there is no explanation or update at all, this company is an unreliable party, I want an older driver file that can restore everything because Razer ruins a lot of game fun.


I have the same problem as well, if I bind an alphanumeric character to a key, I cannot later bind another function to that same key e.g. macro, mouse function, etc.  Although Synapse displays the new keybind, the previous alphanumeric character is still bound.


The workaround I have discovered is to bind that key to Default (don’t forget to Save), then I can bind the key to some other function.

Still no solution

I have the same problem as well, if I bind an alphanumeric character to a key, I cannot later bind another function to that same key e.g. macro, mouse function, etc.  Although Synapse displays the new keybind, the previous alphanumeric character is still bound.


The workaround I have discovered is to bind that key to Default (don’t forget to Save), then I can bind the key to some other function.

I can’t even bind a key to one that used to be default.
I click ‘save’ and while it LOOKS like it saved,  if I Close the pane it tells me it’s NOT saved and says ‘cancel - don’t save - save’ Only ‘cancel’ and ‘don’t save’ actually work.

I’m very disappointed as I use my Razer Tartarus PRO for work and I can’t bind anything new to any program I use.

Should this remain unresolved in the newest update, I’ll never buy anything Razer again.  Razer will join Coolermaster and Thermaltake in the bin of ‘don’t buy again’.

Same problem, keyboard bindings I create will not over-write the defaults no matter what profiles I load. This is extremely frustrating. Please fix ASAP.

Similar problem is back again after major update.
This occurs for me while using user-created macros while attempting to change them to a different macro. A temporary work around is resetting the key bind to Default then setting it to the desired macro.

Hope this helps someone else!

With this latest update now you can't change the macros it always stays on the first one I put, I can only return to default if I change to macro if it appears that it was changed but when I press the key if I type the default key this is a problem according to what I read it has had it for a long time months how is it possible that they continue with this problem, if they don't fix it in a few days I will sell my tartarus pro and go to another brand goodbye Razer...
