RAYER KIYO - Video Image Issues | Razer Insider
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While using my Razer Kiyo I keep having an issue where the bottom half of my video will flash in blue (almost like a negative image). It is but a flash, but will happen several times during any video use. I have yet to capture a screencap when it happens, but I'm wondering if this is a hardware issue?

All firmware is up to date, so I'm wondering if it's the hardware and not the software. Anyone had anything similar happen to them?

Update 2/6: Finally got through to Support (that's another story for another day) and opened a case, probably will lead to RMA which is in and of itself a hassle... Will update again once I hear back from them.

2/18: They covered return label of faulty Kiyo. Warehouse confirmed receipt of damaged Kiyo on 2/15 and it's been radio silence on what their next steps will be since then.

2/19: The new Kiyo showed up at my door today and on the 18th EOD they did give me the tracking, so it seems despite the radio silence the cogs of RMA were in motion.

This is the end of this tale and I hope the end of any need for support from Razer on my end for some time. If this needs deleting, please delete, otherwise may this help anyone on a quest for an RMA from Razer.