Razer 14 2016 gtx1060 BLACK SCREEN AFTER BIOS UPDATE | Razer Insider
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Hi everyone!

I have downloaded the bios update from the official page with model selected and stuff.

After a succesfull bios update (I could turn it on and use it till i turned it off) now whenever i try to turn it on its lights turn on, but not the screen. It never shows the bios.

I dont know what to do.

I tried taking off the cmos battery and put it on again and nothing.

Tried with official support but i have to do a shipping and blabla, i live in Argentina, this is impossible for me.

I just need to know what steps i do.

Any screenshot to the bios would be welcome (I could try to "uparrow""leftarrow""enter""enter" stuff to get the bios to a factory reset).

i REALLY need help!

Thank you all for your time.

I cannot access to a second screen, i have connected via hdmi to a monitor and nothing shows up
I had this issue but it was because my BIOS hadn't updated properly. Razer took it in and replaced it for me!
Thanks for sharing, Daviesioan!

Hi polyclubPaleGold361! Feel free to submit a case to our Support Team or send me a PM should you need additional assistance. I’ll be locking this thread now.