Razer Apps not opening | Razer Insider
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Razer Apps not opening

  • 5 July 2019
  • 1 reply

Seemingly out of nowhere, all of my razer applications (synapse and cortex) have stopped opening or responding. When I try to open them nothing happens, and uninstalling / trying to open one will lead me to an eternal razer installer loading screen. My volume up and down keys are bound to M1 and 2 of my v2, so this is quite the annoying bug 🙂

I also believe this may be the reason that my overwatch application crashes instantly upon launch with no crash log, because I have the overwatch lighting profile enabled to my keyboard. (Im not sure if this is true at all but I read somewhere that this COULD be the case.)
Hello! I have already replied to your other post here. Send me a PM and let's continue there.