Razer Blade 15 Advanced initial windows install time | Razer Insider
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I've just bought a new Razer Blade15 Advanced and its taking a suspiciously long time to conduct the initial windows install.

When the machine first booted there was the usual spinning wait symbol and it said it was "Starting Services", then there was a completely black screen for well over 30 minutes before the first installation dialogue popped up.

It asked the usual questions of language, keyboard layout and wifi creds, and said it would restart to continue installation. This it did, but its been sitting on a black screen for about 3 hours now and there is no evidence of activity. Its got mains power, the keyboard is lit, and the screen back light is on but there has been nothing on the screen since the restart. I'm loathed to reboot it manually in case I corrupt the install and brick it.

Is this usual? Any advice gratefully received.

Edit #1:

Update. So I waited 5 hours just in case and still nothing on screen. I manually rebooted it and it resumed installing windows at the account creation step. This means it skipped the time zone setup step, but I could fix that after the fact. Set up accounts and started installing the usual stuff, it was behaving as expected.

Today when I came to start it up, when I first turned it on and logged in the screen suddenly blacked out. Back light and keyboard were on, but the screen was blank where a second before it was showing the standard windows desktop. Nothing could wake it up. I hard rebooted it and it came up as normal and has been working since.

Could I be bumping into this issue? - https://mysupport.razer.com/app/ans...or-black-screen-even-when-the-lighting-on-the

Slightly unfriendly if it triggers while trying to do the initial windows install.

Edit #2:

Updating to the latest Nvidia driver (465.89) didn't solve the issue. I can't rollback to the advised 457.63 as I started on 461.40 when the machine was first turned on, nothing to roll back to.

457.63 doesn't appear to be available anywhere, anyone know where I can download an installer for it?
To verify, did this happen right out of the box or after an SSD upgrade? The link you posted only affects those with GPU drivers that have been updated to the latest version. In any case, do send me a short clip detailing the issue along with the serial number so I can better understand your situation.

*Thread locked to curb the conversation to PMs.