Razer Blade 15 Inch 2019 Advanced BSOD issues | Razer Insider
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Hi Folks - Started having issues 2 weeks after warranty ran out. Laptop has not been abused, mostly just stays in the one place.

Started to get some random BSODs and I thought nothing off it - did a clean install and all was OK. Then a week later it started to BSOD again. This time in a loop - so I did some testing of SSD and RAM - all seemed clear but I replaced the SSD anyways as the original was tiny. Installed W10 again, all good for about 2 weeks. Now the BSODS are back and I am at a loss. I know its out of warranty but it still leaves a poor taste in my mouth. Not a big fan of the idea of replacing the RAM - particularly as I don't know if that will solve it.


Currently I can not even get booted up no matter what I do, short of another reinstall of W10.
More details about BSOD?

What is the message?

You can download bluescreenview and post a screenshot of your previous BSODs.
Unfortunately I am unable to install Bluescreenview as I am unable to get past these bluescreens.

However here is a picture of whats going on: https://imgur.com/a/9kemx0S

The bottom one is the most recent Bluescreen.


Any help is appreciated - Like I said it worked for a couple of weeks, then this happened. I wonder if it is W10 updates doing this. Sometimes it tries to update W10 and fails the install, but I do not understand why W10 is breaking W10!