razer blade 2019 advanced power problems, now WONT turn on at all | Razer Insider
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Hi there, 

I bought a used blade about half a year ago and ever since a few months after I started getting problems with my laptop. Turning it on would sometimes turn on the keyboard but not the screen. I would have to go a hard reset quite a few times to get it to work. I asked on a Reddit thread why some of these problems were happening and apparently it was an old motherboard battery that was not giving the right time and date, so I fixed that. There were also some funny noises coming from the speakers at times, like crackling. 
I came back from holidays and sure enough it had a hard time turning on again, but managed to make it work after a few hard resets. But this morning it is completely dead. No led light, nothing. When I press the power button I head this clicking from inside the laptop, but absolutely nothing happens. As I am sitting here typing this in my phone I can hear the same click coming from the laptop every ten-20 seconds.

I am extremely disappointed with the quality of these laptops. I am extremely busy with finding a new house to live in and don’t need this problem on top of that.

if someone could help in any capacity, that would help. 

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