Razer Cortex Deleted my photos and videos | Razer Insider
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The Razer Cortex deleted some personal files - photos and videos of that specifically. Is there a way to recover these lost files? 

I have tried using two separate software from finding it on Google but the files are not opening and could be corrupted.

Why would a general system clean up delete PXL files that are clearly not junk?

Hey there,


We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the issue you experienced with Razer Cortex. My name is Michelle, and I am part of the Razer Cortex technical support team.


We understand that you have lost some of your files while using the System Clean feature, and we are sorry for the trouble this has caused you. To assist you further, could you kindly provide us with more information regarding the issue:

  • Did you make any changes to the default settings on the SYSTEM CLEAN page? Please note that the recommended settings exclude "Registry," "Downloaded Files," and "Backup Files." Selecting these items to clean up may result in the removal of important files.
  • Can you also share your Razer Cortex logs with us via PM for further investigation?

We appreciate your patience and cooperation in this matter and look forward to hearing back from you soon.


Thank you!


Best regards,

Razer Cortex Technical Support Team

How do I access the Razer Cortex Logs? 

Downloaded files does not specific jpegs and mp4s. If you go to customize system clean, it literally says System Downloads and Browser Downloads. 

Why would a general system clean delete personal files that are clearly photos and videos? 


You can go to this page to collect your Razer Cortex logs:



Regarding the clean up details of each item, please click “Customize system clean”, go to the “SYSTEM CLEAN CUSTOMIZATION”, and click each item to expand all details. 


The “Download Files” includes “Windows Downloads” and “Browser Downloads”, if your photos and videos are in the two positions, they will be cleared when you select “Download Files” and use the system clean feature. 




Yeah that is not very safe for general users as those files were on my Desktop as I was organizing them into specific folders.

One particular folder is completely gone and I have recently found out that a bunch of other photos and videos are gone from inside organized folders. Thank fully not all are lost but it is weird that some are gone in those folders and some are not. 

I have replied to your private message. Please check it. 


*Thread locked to curb the conversation to PMs.

Razer Cortex deleted some of my personal files, too many including pdfs. Is there a way to recover these lost files? 
